Twitch Plays Pokemon: a netnographic approach to cyberfolklore

We are glad to present here a brand new article written for CSED’s readers by Diego Alonso Huerta J., a young virtual ethnographer based in Helsinki. It consists in an innovative methodological proposal for the study of a fascinating online social phenomenon: Twitch Plays Pokemon (TPP), a mass played videogame experience that involved users from […]

16 Dicembre 2014
Massimo Airoldi

The difference between netnography and digital ethnography

  The 24th of June 2014 Leaft Coast Press released the “Handbook of Anthropology in Business” edited by Rita Denny and Patricia Sunderland. The work is a broad coverage of theory and practice around the world that demonstrates the vibrant tensions and innovation that emerge in intersections between anthropology and business and between corporate worlds […]

Netnografia ed Etnografia Digitale: che differenza c’è?

Etnografia Digitale, differenze teoriche, metodologiche e tecniche tra etnografia digitale e netnografia.

L’Antropologia e l’etnografia applicate all’orientamento delle strategie di mercato

  Sempre più la ricerca in ambito marketing tende ad utilizzare i metodi antropologici ed etnografici per i propri fini di business; le applicazioni sono molteplici: si va dal product design e development, al branding, fino ad arrivare allo studio delle culture organizzative e dei trend del mercato globale. Questo tipo di marketing culturale sta […]