The difference between netnography and digital ethnography
The 24th of June 2014 Leaft Coast Press released the “Handbook of Anthropology in Business” edited by Rita Denny and Patricia Sunderland. The work is a broad coverage of theory and practice around the world that demonstrates the vibrant tensions and innovation that emerge in intersections between anthropology and business and between corporate worlds […]
Rethinking Oppositions in Art, Hacktivism and the Business of Social Networking
Il Centro Studi Etnografia Digitale vi propone oggi un interessante lavoro di Tatiana Bazzichelli, Ph.D. in Media e Informazione alla Aarhus University. Objective: The objective of this research is to rethink the meaning of critical and oppositional practices in art, hacktivism and the business of social networking. The aim is to analyse hacker and artistic practices through business instead […]
Etnografia digitale di Netlog: la vita virtuale dei nativi digitali
75.789.083 di ragazze e ragazzi, soprattutto in Europa e Medio Oriente, hanno un profilo sul social network “Netlog”, di cui 4.298.473 solo in Italia. Una grande nazione, popolata da nicknames e fotografie fatte allo specchio, costruita su di un territorio virtuale in cui tutti sono amici, ma nessuno si conosce. A unire i membri c’è […]